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Venus Retrograde in Leo - Reflections on Relationships and Finances

Hello Reader, I wanted to drop in and say hello and let you know about one of the most significant transits for this summer. Are you ready for the transformative journey that is Venus Retrograde in Leo? This astrological event, which begins on July 22nd and ends on September 3rd, will bring powerful insights and growth opportunities for all of us. During this time, the planet Venus appears to move backwards in the sky, leading us to reflect on our relationships, finances, values, and...

Hello Reader, I hope this note finds you doing well. I was feeling the current Mars square Neptune transit today, and I thought I would drop in and see how you're doing. If you have a lot of placements, including your rising sign, in a mutable sign, this week might hit harder for you. This is particularly so if you have placements between 22 and 29 degrees of the mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. However, because these signs always crave change, you may be more adept at...