Neptunian Haze This Week

Hello Reader,

I hope this note finds you doing well. I was feeling the current Mars square Neptune transit today, and I thought I would drop in and see how you're doing.

If you have a lot of placements, including your rising sign, in a mutable sign, this week might hit harder for you. This is particularly so if you have placements between 22 and 29 degrees of the mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.

However, because these signs always crave change, you may be more adept at going with the flow this week, as Neptune is bidding you to do.

Mars square Neptune - Dissipated action

Mars in Gemini is finally speeding up and getting ready to head into Cancer, after being in Gemini since August 2022. But on 14 March 2023, it positioned itself square to Neptune in Pisces. This can bring about a loss of energy or a lack of motivation.

Or, if you actually do feel motivated, it can manifest as a difficulty in accomplishing tasks, for whatever reason. That was my experience today. It took me so long to get out of the house and over to my friend's house to do some yard work. Everything just seemed to take a while.

But I just went with the flow (which I have the luxury of being able to do in my current circumstances) and I finally got everything done.

One way to move through this transit is to honor the creativity, flow, and ease that Neptune is requesting of Mars. Maybe creative movement of some type will transmute the conflict between wanting to drive forward, on the one hand, and wanting to escape and dream on the other.

So dance, do yoga, go for a walk in a beautiful place. Combine movement and action with something creative or spiritual.

Once we satisfy this build up of creative energy wanting to express itself, we may clear the aimlessness and fuzziness and be able to complete our intended tasks.

Digital Transit Calendar for March

Before I continue discussing this week's mash up of transits, I want to suggest that you download (if you haven't already) the free digital transit calendar I created for March 2023 so that you can follow along.

It's pretty useful as it has brief descriptions of the major transits during the month. And it also has space to jot down some notes in your pdf reader, if you wish.

Navigation links jump to the relevant pages to help you move through the calendar more easily.

Use the link below to download the pdf.

Download the March 2023 Transit Calendar.pdf

If you're relatively new to astrology and don't have all of the symbols memorized yet, just click on the symbols on the first page of the calendar and it will take you to the page for the day where the words for those symbols will be written out.

Also, I am working on a very simple digital workbook for people new to astrology to use to learn the symbols (or glyphs) for the planets. Stay tuned for that!

More Neptunian Drifting

Sun and Mercury conjunct Neptune - Floating in the ethers

On the 15th, the Sun conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. And on the 16th, Mercury also conjuncts Neptune.

This could bring an ethereal quality to these days. You may find yourself daydreaming, feeling emotionally sensitive, or wanting to engage in spiritual practices or discussions. A deep sense of compassion may arise. And being in Pisces, some of this could find us feeling weepy.

If this happens, it's best to just allow it and not judge it. It's one way of discharging what has built up over the past zodiacal year as we prepare to start a new one.

Aries is the start of the year, and Pisces wraps things up. We are now at the end of a cycle. If we allow the waters of Pisces to help us to release what no longer serves us on our soul's journey, we will be well-prepared for the new season, beginning on the 20th of March, when the Sun makes its ingress into Aries. Then we exit the cleansing waters of Pisces and jump into the fire of Aries, ready to set forth on a new annual journey.

Sun square Mars - At odds with our true desires

Also on the 16th is the Sun in Pisces squaring Mars in Gemini. This could help to shed some light on, or give us insight into whatever might have started coming up two days before, when Mars was square Neptune.

This square can also bring up frustration. Our desire to dream and dive into our creativity and spiritual connectedness may feel at odds with our drive to communicate, gather information, sell things, or network.

The typical way to resolve squares is some sort of compromise, or doing one thing first, and then the other. This is a short term transit, so it may work itself out on its own.

Venus square Pluto - Reigned in passion

If the conflict we are experiencing above involves another person or people, then there could be some tension or a power struggle that arises. Or we could be having a deep internal struggle about our intense desire to pursue our passions. We may perceive someone else, or our own selves as overpowering us and holding us back.

The truth is that it's only our perception. With this square, we should dig deep and consider whether we have skipped some steps (in our Neptunian fog), and need to build a bit more structure before burning our engines going after our desires too quickly.

Mercury square Mars / Sun conjunct Mercury - A racing mind leads to creative insight

I wanted to take these two together because Mercury in Pisces square Mars in Gemini and Mercury conjunct the Sun in Pisces occur at the same time on the 17th.

All of this is still under the influence of the Master of Illusion, Neptune. We should try to stay away from being too unrealistic, and be aware that we may be missing some key information.

However, embrace the creative ideas that arise. Mars may overstimulate the mind and could trigger some sharp words. So, mindfulness will be the order of the day.

With Mercury "cazimi" the Sun - sitting in the exact degree of the Sun, in the seat of the Sun - a special clarity may come through. Deep insights and resolution to whatever was stirred up this week may come over the next several days.

That's my wrap-up for this week. Hopefully, it helps you to navigate the waters of Neptune.

The key takeaway is to go with the flow, remain introspective, and take advantage of the increased insights and creativity that may arise this week.

It's the time to imagine and dream. Creative movement may help the process.

Before I go, let me tell you that I'm starting a video "short" series on a timing technique called annual profections.

This technique helps you identify the themes and topics of your year, starting with your birthday (solar return). I will also eventually write more about it in a blog.

But if you want to see my first video on what to expect in a 1st house profection year, check out the video (only 30 seconds) on my YouTube channel by clicking the image below. It's in a bit of a whimsical style, but I had fun making it. Be sure to read the description, which explains a first house profection year briefly.

Let me know if there is anything specific you want me to chat about in future emails to you.

I'll be back in touch soon. All the best, Bright Soul!


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Hi! I'm a Life Path Consulting Astrologer

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