Venus Retrograde in Leo - Reflections on Relationships and Finances

Hello Reader,

I wanted to drop in and say hello and let you know about one of the most significant transits for this summer.

Are you ready for the transformative journey that is Venus Retrograde in Leo? This astrological event, which begins on July 22nd and ends on September 3rd, will bring powerful insights and growth opportunities for all of us.

During this time, the planet Venus appears to move backwards in the sky, leading us to reflect on our relationships, finances, values, and self-worth. It's a time to let go of old patterns and embrace new opportunities for growth and healing.

But before the retrograde officially begins, we have the Pre-Shadow period, which began on June 19th. This is a time to start reflecting on and preparing for the changes that are to come.

It’s important to practice self-care, set healthy boundaries, and focus on inner growth during this period before the retrograde, as whatever happens between now and then is something you may be revisiting over the summer.

During the Venus retrograde, we may experience challenges in our relationships as well as financial setbacks. However, these challenges are opportunities for growth and transformation. It's important to stay grounded and use this time to reflect on any patterns or issues that may come up.

The last time Venus was retrograde in Leo was in 2015. If you think back to that time, you may find the same issues arising, people from that period of time returning, or echos of that period of time coming into your awareness. You will have the opportunity to deal with these matters with the wisdom you have gained over the 8 years since then.

As the retrograde comes to an end in September, we will have the Post-Shadow period, which ends on October 7th. This is a time to integrate the lessons we learned during the retrograde and move forward with newfound wisdom and insight.

Remember, Venus Retrograde in Leo is a powerful time for growth and transformation in your relationships, your style and appearance, with respect to your finances, and concerning the topics of your Taurus and Libra houses, and whichever house your natal Venus is found.

Observe what happens from now through the retrograde period to identify any topics related to relationships, finances, self-worth, creativity, beauty, romance, love, pleasure, and values that may change and that you may need to revisit in the weeks ahead.

If you want individualized insights on how to navigate this astrological event, get a Venus Retrograde recorded video forecast. Click the image below to purchase.

If you're on TikTok, I am too!

You can find the Venus Retrograde timeline that I posted on TikTok by following the link below.

And if you go there, follow me too! And please share with your friends.

I'll be back in touch soon. All the best, Bright Soul!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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